Pre-Sleep or Wind Down Ritual- important for all ages

One simple way to help babies and older children alike to fall asleep is to introduce a pre-sleep routine / wind down ritual. It's easy to do and can make a big difference in how well your child settles to sleep.

A pre-sleep routine or as I call it, a wind down ritual, creates a buffer between awake and asleep.
It is a peaceful time, a time of emotional connection between you and your child. It can be as short as 10 minutes and helps your child to understand that sleep is coming.

What constitutes a wind down ritual?
😔 Going into your child’s sleep space
😔 Dimming the light
😔 Putting them in a swaddle or sleeping bag
😔 Lots of cuddles
😔 Reading a book
😔 Singing a song or lullaby
😔 Bouncing or rocking until calm for newborns who need it
😔 Saying goodnight to all the teddies
😔 Giving your child their special teddy, lovey, blanket, comfort toy, dummy
😔 More cuddles!
Every family can create their own special wind down ritual that is perfect for them.

Having a consistent wind down ritual will help your child begin to relax and calm. Each action, done in the same order is a cue to them, a positive sleep association. It allows them time to transition from being awake and full of energy to being calm and ready to sleep.

The time spent during the wind down ritual engaging with you helps strengthen their emotional connection with you. Your child will find falling asleep easier knowing they are loved and connected to you.

A wind down ritual is just as important for newborns as it is for pre-schoolers. It can be very confusing for a baby to be placed in their cot and expected to sleep if they have had no warning that a nap or bedtime is approaching. It is a gentle transition for them.

A wind down ritual is beneficial before naps as well as at bedtime at night.

Try a wind down ritual tomorrow if you don't have one yet!